Friday, January 14, 2011

New Year; New You

So, here we are. Two weeks into the new year and ankle deep into our new year's resolutions. One of my resolutions is to make more time for writing and scrapbooking. It seems I find all the time in the world to look at other's work, but what of mine? I'm ashamed to say that I start projects all the time and leave them unfinished. Bah! No more. (wink, wink)
I have already taken steps to resolve this matter. At the suggestion of my sister-in-law, I have rearranged my dining room/scrapspace. I LOVE it! Not only does it look way more like a dining room, but my supplies are better organized and there is actually more room to create. Woot, woot! So, I want to know. What are you doing so far this year to keep those resolutions?


  1. Hi!! Congrats on your new blog!! Have fun!!

  2. Hey, Do I recognize that armoire against the wall?? I think that was my grandma's. Maybe not but I think it might be. Congrats on your blog. Do we have to blog about paper or can we just blog? Runs in the family, I don't always finish projects that I start either! :-) Didn't make a new years resolution. I'm just going to keep on keeping on. I agree with April, love the color in your room. ♥

  3. Congratulations Elysia! I remember when I posted my first blog, what a rush. I decided back in August that I couldn't wait until January to put passion back into my everyday life. Since there have been somethings that have made me realize how much time is wasted, if we let it. Get ready girl, this is only the beginning! I am so glad you decided to take charge, and thanks for inviting me along to enjoy the rid. =] Love Sara

  4. Congrats on your latest venture! and I look forward to your future posts! :) you need to set up a follow system so I can sign up :)

  5. Hi Elysia, congrats on your new blog... Happy 2011 to you and your family :-)

  6. Hey, Simona!! Glad to see your beautiful face! Happy 2011 to you too!

    Nancy - I added the followers gadget, so we're good to go. HUGS

    Karen - I got that piece from an old landlord who wanted to get rid of it. Can you believe that?! Love it...and all my scrap stuff is in there!!!
